Selasa, 30 Juni 2020


There are various ways to invest using cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is known to be volatile. The main way besides holding crypto is to run financial trading. Trading has goodness and also a nightmare if you refuse to be patient doing the right research and lacking the right experience, technicality, and specialization. PayPDM in depth accepts a variety of attractive investors to become part of large companies. It has easy deposits, flexible withdrawals, an easy-to-track Fund portfolio, 24/7 customer service, the best investment returns and an unparalleled team of experienced traders.
PayPDM is a decentralized crypto financial company that operates as an online financial service that supports the standardization of the use of crypto currencies in investing, lending, playing and real estate, as well as an electronic alternative to flat banks. Decentralization is accepted and respected on the Blockchain, to invalidate authority, non-transparency, compromise or security threats.
FinTrade is the first financial service under the auspices of PayPDM and it operates through a decentralized system. The FinTrade function uses a tri-system that includes Forex EA Robots, Forex Auto-Systems, Cryptocurrency trading and diversification of Crypto assets that are supervised, modernized and actualized in the presence of the PayPDM financial team.
While PayPDM FinTrade is a blockchain-based financial company centered on financial trading, especially for foreign exchange, crypto and crypto asset diversification. We implement FinTrade as a reliable way to invest in crypto and generate revenue for PayPDM companies and their communities.
CryptoLend, which will be launched at the end of 2020, is also a decentralized financial service that will be deployed using other companies' APIs to hold automatic coins and coin payments to users requesting BTC, ETH and LTC loans in the form of an instant world-class number one secure verification system without violates the law that guides the user's country.
PayPDM anticipates the release of FinTrade to users around the world after rebranding & general restructuring. FinTrade will be available first to our beta users and then open to users worldwide. PayPDM will register in 54 countries around the world to strengthen its community and also comply with the law in each registered country.
The aim is to have an open financial system where there will be unlimited possibilities for both the community and companies. PayPDM coins also function as a service fee method that can be used to cover all transactional fees, costs incurred, fees applicable to services or other test fees if needed. 
Using products & services under the auspices of PayPDM is completely free to use. Applicable service fees are covered using PayPDM Coins ($ PYD).
Token Allocation
In general, the allocation of Tokens for PayPDM Coins is listed below
Private & Public ICO - 40%
PayPDM FinTrade & CryptoLend - 1%
Early Investors - 4%
Airdrop, Gifts and community gifts - 1%
Development - 19%
PayPDM Network - 10%
Burned - 25%
Of the Total Supply - 1,000,000,000 PYD
Token Name: PayPDM (PYD)
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 PYD
Total Tokens Allocated Pre-IEO: 5,000,000 PYD
Token Selling Price: 1 PYD = 0.07 USDT
Token Sales Format: First user
Minimum purchase amount: 750 PYD
Bonus: 20% PYD.


Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

Recycle for Life

Recycle for Life

Recycle for Life is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal
E-waste Handler. RFL is involved in the transportation of all e-waste to environmental protection
Agency certified Facilities. Recycle for Life started operations as a company in January of 2010.
It was created as a nationwide ink and toner cartridge recycling company. Recycle for life has
collected over 500,000 ink and toner cartridges in the first year of its existence. In march 2012,
Recycle for Life transitioned to the business of commercial e-waste logistics as an e-waste handler in Southern California.

Last year, Recycle for Life delivered over 1 million pounds of e-waste picked up from over 8,800
businesses since 2010 and have 3,450 active clients. Keith Harris, the founder of Recycle for Life
has been involved in the recycling and reuse of electronic accessories since 1996. Recycle for Life
wants to leverage on blockchain technology to create a system based on the blockchain network that will reward subscribers to their newsletter and to the Recycling Awareness Association.
These tokens will also be awarded to recycling plants, recycling processors, users with recycling
receipts and users who forward to at least 5 emails to others information regarding our e-waste
recycling services.

Our mission as RFL is securing a green and safe environment through the provision of e-waste
management services. We aim to create massive e-waste recycling awareness across the country
through a blockchain based token reward system.

Background and Problem
When China banned 24 kinds of solid waste in September 2018, countries such as the USA,
United Kingdom, Australia and Japan realized they had a huge problem. Until last year, China
accepted 70 percent of the World’s electronic waste. Electronic waste included the discarded
computers, cellphones and printers, televisions, microwaves, smoke alarms and other electronic
equipment and parts. After china stopped accepting this e-waste out of concern for its environment, Europe and North America began

What in e-waste?
Electronic devices are made of very complex mix of materials that include gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium, lithium, cobalt and other metals. The U.S Environment Protection
Agency notes that one metric ton of circuit boards can contain 40 to 800 times the amount
of gold and 30 to 40 times the amount of copper mined from one metric ton of ore in the
United States. These precious metals can be reclaimed through a recycling process.

But on the other hand, electronic devices also comprise toxic metals such as lead, mercury,
cadmium and beryllium, polluting PVC, plastic and hazardous chemicals such as brominated flame retardants which can harm human health and the environment.

In 2016 alone, the estimated value of recoverable materials in global e-waste waste$64.6
billion, but only 20 percent was properly recycled to enable recovery of valuable materials.
Much of the rest is dumped in landfills where toxic chemicals can leach from this e-waste
and end up contaminating the water supply. As more consumers buy electronic equipment,
manufacturers are beginning to face shortages of the raw materials required to make their
products, thus reclaiming and reusing the materials from discarded products and waste, a
process known as urban mining which makes a lot of economic and environmental sense. A
recent study in China found that mining copper, aluminum and gold from ore costs 13 times
more than recovering metals through the urban mining of e-waste.

Start Jun 22, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for sale 1,000,000,000 RFL (100%)
End Jul 31, 2020 (11:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate 1 RFL = $0.20
Acceptable currencies ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimal transaction amount 0.001 ETH

Distribution of tokens

Use of proceeds

March 2019
Start of the Recycle for life Development.
April 2019
Development of ICO platform
June 2019
Launch of Social Network
August 2019
ICO preparation & Whitepaper
June 2020
Start limited token sale
July 2020
Complete token sale
August 2020
Begin token exchange program
September 2020
Recycling Awareness Association forms
October 2020
Token Exchange listings
November 2020
Create Awareness Rating (AR) make post able to SM
December 2020
Launched of mobile Apps





Rabu, 24 Juni 2020


Crypcore 소개
Crypcore는 안정적인 코인보다 더 많은 혜택을 제공하면서보다 안정적이고 덜 휘발성 인 코인을 소개하고자하는 블록 체인 기반 플랫폼입니다. 이 기술에는 이전에는 볼 수 없었던 독특한 제품으로 역사를 만들고자하는 전문가 팀이 있습니다.

암호 화폐 시장에 도입 된 이후 안정적인 코인이 잘 이루어졌지만 여전히 개선해야 할 부분이 있습니다. Crypcore는 Crypcore 프로토콜과 지급 능력 시스템을 도입 할 암호화 자산을 개발하려고합니다. 암호화 디지털 자산을 결합하여 암호화 공간에서 가격 안정성을 보장하려고합니다. 이러한 암호화 자산은 가격 안정성을 보장하기 위해 솔벤트 프로토콜에 의해 지원됩니다.

Crypcore는 Crypcore의 가격을 관리하는 데 큰 역할을합니다. 거래소는 지불 능력 방정식을 사용하여 Crypcore의 가격을 설정합니다. 그것은 전통적인 방법이 아니지만 가격이 상대적으로 안정적이므로 매우 효과적입니다.

기술 경험이없는 사용자도 Crypcore에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. Crypcore 회사는 웹 지갑, 하드웨어 지갑, 명령 줄 지갑 및 데스크탑 지갑을 포함한 다양한 플랫폼에 대한 지갑을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 웹 지갑 개발을 완료 한 후 iPhone 및 Android 지갑을 개발할 계획입니다. 현재 웹 지갑은 여전히 ​​개발 중입니다.

그리고 안정적인 코인과 달리 Crypcore는 시장이 상당히 안정적으로 유지되므로 가격 변동이 크지 않습니다. 가격은 시장 상황에 따라 결정되므로 Crypcore 시장에서는 변동성이 적습니다.

Crypcore 프로젝트의 원리
블록 체인 및 cryptocurrency 기술의 궁극적 목표는 대량 채택을 달성하고 화폐 통화를 사용하지 못하게하는 것입니다. Crypcore는 변동성이없는 안정적인 평가를 위해 지폐와 무관 한 안정적인 코인을 제공함으로써 암호화 공간이 두 가지 목표를 모두 달성 할 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다. Crypcore 덕분에 암호화 세계에서는 가격 변동성의 문제가 존재하지 않습니다.

Crypcore Trading은 Crypcore의 비용과 싸우는 데 상당한 노력을 기울일 것입니다. 이렇게하려면 Crypcore Exchange의 모든 작업을 훌륭하게 수행해야합니다. 매우 간단한 용해도 조건은 Cryps 점수를 결정합니다. 전형적인 안정적인 코인에서 토큰은 실질적인 협회에 의해 제공되지만 Crypcore 거래는 토큰을 만들 수 없으며 대신 각 코인이 채굴됩니다.

이는 고객의 보호와 안전이 매우 중요하기 때문입니다. Cryps가 그 가치를 유지하기위한 궁극적 인 목표로, Crypcore 거래는 기본 화폐 공급을 채굴하고 보유합니다. 무역에서 보유한 암호는 사용 가능한 것으로 간주되지 않습니다.

Crypcore는 어떻게 작동합니까?
Crypcore는 암호화로 안전하고 진정한 익명의 Cryptonote 프로토콜을 기반으로하는 Monero에서 분리되었으며 Crypcore 에코 시스템은 해결 능력 방정식, 순수한 암호화 교환 및 Cryptonote 프로토콜을 결합하여 평균화를 통해 달성 된 가격 안정성과 안정적인 가격의 동전을 만듭니다. 가격 변동에 따른 담보 증가.

이러한 효과를 위해 Crypcore는 기존의 안정 동전과 근본적으로 다른 방식으로 작동하는 안정 동전이며,이를 동적 안정 동전이라고합니다. Crypcore는 Crypcore 교환에 부과 된 수수료로 담보를 얻습니다. 이러한 수수료는 Crypcore 코인의 담보에 추가되어 항상 담보를 늘리고 Crypcore 가격의 안정성을 유지합니다.

안정적인 가격
Crypcore는 Crypcore 교환을 활용하여 안정적인 가격을 유지합니다.이 가격은 Crypcore 백서 및 아래 섹션에 나와있는 투명한 가격 결정 메커니즘에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다.

다른 암호화 통화로 교환 Market에서 100M USD 이상의 가치가있는 시장에서 안정적이고 최고 등급의 통화를 구입할 수 있습니다.

직불 카드로 이체
Crypcore는 거래소에서 CryptoCurrency를 구매하기 위해 부채 카드를 수락합니다.

얻기 쉬운
Crypcore에는 다양한 지갑이있어 사용하기 쉽고 다양한 사람들이 쉽게 이용할 수 있습니다. Monero와 함께 일한 개발자는 프로젝트에 Crypcore를 쉽게 통합 할 수 있습니다.

사기로부터 보호
Crypcore는 모든 거래에 보안 및 스트릭 검사 정책을 위해 3 개의 계층을 사용하고 있습니다. Crypcore는 전 세계의 다른 최고의 회사로부터 보호를 제공합니다.

Crypcore는 개인 정보 보호와 관련하여 암호 화폐 시장에서 최고의 자산으로 간주되는 Monero에서 분기됩니다. Crypcore는 링 서명, 기밀 거래 및 스텔스 주소를 사용합니다.

암호 화폐 거래소
Crypcore 교환은 Crypcore 가격 관리에 매우 중요한 역할을합니다. 이를 위해 Crypcore Exchange는 기존 방식으로 일을해야합니다. 매우 간단한 해결 능력 방정식은 Cryps의 가격을 결정합니다. 일반적인 안정적인 코인에서 토큰은 기본 조직에서 발행하지만 Crypcore 교환은 토큰을 만들 수 없으며 각 코인이 채굴됩니다. 이는 사용자의 개인 정보 및 보안이 가장 중요하기 때문입니다. Cryps가 가치를 유지하기 위해 Crypcore 거래소에서 초기 화폐 공급을 채굴하고 보유합니다. 거래소가 보유한 크립은 유통중인 것으로 간주되지 않습니다.
토큰 데타 이엘
이름 : Crypcore (CRYP)
구매 방법 허용 : BTC, ETH, LTC
하드 캡 : 7 백만
소프트 캡 : 3 백만
1 CRYP 비용 : 0.00001 ETH
새로운 토큰 배출량 : 사용할 수 없음
보너스 시스템 : 예
개인 판매 사전 판매 : 보유하지 않음
고객 알기 (KYC) : 예
최소 / 최대 개인 캡 : 0.01 ETH / 제한 없음
화이트리스트 : 아니오
비공개 판매 : 2019 년 11 월 15 일 ~ 2019 년 12 월 5 일
IEO : 2019 년 12 월 20 일 ~ 1 월 20 일

토큰 분배
65 % – 판매 토큰
10 % – 마케팅
15 % – 팀 및 고문
9 % – 예약
1 % – 바운티

Michael Soeterbroek, 창립자 겸 CEO
공동 창업자 Peter Akporume
Shehzad Khan, CTO 및 개발자
카 시프 칸, CMO

프로젝트 로드맵
2019 년 2 분기
아이디어 실현 및 연구
$ 50,000 민간 자금
2019 년 3 분기
건축 디자인 및 백서 출판
2019 년 4 분기
Crypcore Instant Exchange 시작
발사대 탐색기
거래소에서 crypcore 거래 시작
2020 년 1 분기
웹 월렛 시작
2020 년 2 분기
모바일 월렛 시작
2020 년 3 분기
Crypcore Exchange의 새로운 기능 시작



Rabu, 17 Juni 2020


PayAccept - Home | Facebook
About Us
We are on a mission to change how citizens of the world interact with blockchain technology and traditional finance by bringing digital wallet management to the masses. We are on a path towards un-banking millions of people around the world while providing them with an alternative, trustless, and decentralized way to manage their money.

We believe the world needs an alternative monetary system.
We believe the world needs a truly democratic and decentralized financial system that is not driven by decisions of political leaders and central banks. Money must be accessible to everyone in a safe way, without detours, scalable, and safe. That is what we want to achieve such a system with PayAccept.

PayAccept ends the complexities of buying, selling and using assets held across multiple accounts. In the world’s first initial convertible coin offering (ICCO), investors will have direct participation in company growth.

Our Mission
Instantly access any asset with Blockchain‑powered security
PayAccept provides a holistic blockchain platform giving users a simple, unified crypto and banking experience. We handle the technical so you can focus on your assets.

Single unified blockchain platform & interface
Segregated fiat & crypto assets
Real-time asset exchange & access
Comprehensive blockchain‑powered fraud prevention

Trade fiat and crypto with a single interface
The PayAccept network enables customers to freely exchange assets without worrying about denomination. The payer and the recipient of any transaction could opt for the asset of their choice, so customers can pay in Bitcoin to a friend requesting Euros.

Virtual fiat is moved from A to B at the exchange. The transaction is recorded on the blockchain and then reflected automatically in the corresponding customers’ restricted exchange bank accounts.
The transaction is recorded on the blockchain and then reflected automatically in the corresponding customers’ restricted exchange bank accounts.

Use of Capital
Acquire a controlling interest in an EU bank and upgrade its systems.
Develop the PayAccept Blockchain Clearing and Settlement Platform & our crypto exchange
Secure strategic investments in financial services, blockchain companies and our community.
Introduction PayAccept - YouTube
Part of a holistic finance system allowing native compatibility between fiat & cryptocurrency.

Our users will trade and interact with regulated crypto-exchanges, like — and without hidden fees.

Gives users a single place to manage, trade and use crypto and fiat for all payments & purposes.

Regulated by a European Directive Prospectus as equity warrants, granting unprecedented peace of mind.

PayAccept will be a decentralized currency that people all around the world can use to get paid.

April 20th, 2020 - Launch PAY (ERC20) Token
April 14th, 2020 - Registered Office in the Netherlands

Our team
Christiaan van Steenbergen - CEO
Gleb Jout - CMO
James Lauren - CSO
Join us - Want a new challenge?




What is Tozex?
Tozex is a financing platform which combines a token issuance module “Tokenpad” allowing to launch a token based crowdfunding campaign (ICO, STO and BRO) with an embedded crypto asset market place.

The development of smart contract code requires a deep expertise on computer science, cryptography and
programming language. The development has to be accurate and optimize due to the fact that each piece of code
has an impact in cost execution and security. Rigorous testing and prototyping have to be done before any
deployment of a tradable token contract for a crowdfunding or a distribution phase.
TOZEX library is open source allowing anyone to check, audit and contribute to our development. The first
programming language of our library is based on Solidity to allow the deployment first on Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum
Classic (ETC) & RootStock (RSK) blockchain network. The second programming language will be Java to allowing the
portability of our library on Credits blockchain network.
The process to deploy a smart contract (STO, ICO or BRO) is very simple through our interface. The user can
use is existing wallet (hardware or software wallet) through TOZEX platform to deploy the selected contract within
the blockchain network of his choice without compromising his private key.

Smart Contract
Our platform uses the power of smart contract as a trustless third party to manage the issuance of tokens (utility, payment or securities) maintain by an open source library.
The decentralized exchange order book managing bids and asks stay publicly auditable by any one avoiding opacity and market manipulation.

The user interface is designed to be friendly to improve user experience without neglected security.
Our trading & issuing token's functionalities are developed to facilitate the interaction of our users with the current crypto asset ecosystem

One of the main characteristic of blockchain is to bring transparency among stakeholders (regulators, companies, investors, traders ...).
Moreover the vote of our community is an important fact to list a new crypto asset on our platform after an internal due diligence.

Launch cryptoasset fundraising campaigns (ICO, STO or BRO)
Expand the awareness of your promising projects by submitting it to our community
Save time and important costs (technical, marketing etc)
Create your cryptoasset with a sustainable liquid market

Identify early stage investment opportunities on exclusive projects
Compare profitability and risks of each projects (given bonus, total supply ...)
Liquid investments: Invest or get back your investments within an unique platform
Stay informed about the activities of your projects

Multi-signature deposit wallet to keep safe your cryptoassets
Exclusive opportunities to trade newly cryptoassets
Decentralized order book
Pertinent market information and live market data (trading charts, reports …)

We have allocated a budget to cover legal and compliance costs. We want to ensure that our business is continuously
compliant with the laws which we operate in and coordinate with expert legal providers to support project creators
for their Token sale projects. The fund will be used to be compliant with the SEC and other regulatory entities will be
a top priority for our token. Our budget is allocated to cover existing and any new regulatory laws.

Multiple Currency Pair
The platform offers a range of famous cryptoassets pairs with BTC, ETH, ETC, EOS, CS, TOZ &DAI that makes
TOZEX an exclusively dedicated platform for exchange thereby setting a new trend of trading amongst the crypto
Primary Pairs BTC, TOZ, ETH, DAI.

TOZEX Cash In/Out Button
Two buttons to convert your whole portfolio into BTC, DAI or TOZ with a single click accelerating your market entry and exit.

TOZEX Report
An engine will generate a dedicated report regarding your trading activities to help you to analyze your trading history. The
platform also displays a set of graphics resuming your monthly trading activity to let you know about your own performance.

Our Roadmap
Q1 2020
Private BRO limited to 150 investors
Partnerships extension with international Accelerators & Incubators
TOZEX Pre beta version :
- Smart contract ERC20, ICO and Multisig externaly audited
- Activation of KYC/AML checks
- Buying Cryptocurrency with credit card.
- Investor data requierements activated

Q2 2020
Public BRO investment launched
Tozex Beta version :
- UI/UX interface refactored
- Smart contract : STO and BRO integrated
- Software and Hardware Wallet gateway integrations
- Deposit and Withdraw swap functions
- Decentralized order book enabled

Q3 2020
First quarter BRO interests distributed.
Listing TOZ token exclusively on our exchange
First financed projects
Compliance with international standards - ISO/TC307

Q4 2020
Tozex final version published
Second quarter BRO interests distributed.
OTC desk service
USA & JAPAN Financial services licence (FIAT Deposit)

Meet Our Team
Remy André Ozcan - Chief Executive Officer
Christophe André Ozcan - Chief Technology Officer
Li Zi Xin - Lead Developer
Sabine Delansay - UX/UI Designer
Olivier Kleindienst - Financial manager
Michaël Desteuque - Blockchain Developer
Goudet Abalé - PR Manager
Julien Bringer - Cybersecurity Specialist
Wael Rajab - Trading & Operations Specialist



Our Partners